Sep 16, 2024

2024 Community Week

Monday, September 16th: 3rd Annual Maryland Golf Tournament – see details here

Tuesday, September 17th: CSF Orioles Night Out – see details here

Wednesday, September 18th:  In honor of Dr. Carson’s birthday, we invite you to complete an hour of community service in his honor.  Perhaps you’ll seek a new organization in need of volunteers or revisit an old favorite.  Share your photos with us on social media. #CSFCommunityWeek

Thursday, September 19th:  Calling all CSF alumni!  Carson Scholar alum and current Associate Leadership Council member Joe Wyrwas invites you for an evening of networking, connecting and conversing.

Friday, September 20th:  Last month the CSF proudly moved into a new office space.  Join us for an open house to see our new digs and connect with the CSF staff. More details to come!


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