In Scholars on 08/27/2019 - 2:02 PM

Carson Scholar Brent Dyer Creates BohemianBowTies

Carson Scholar Brent Dyer knows bow ties. Here, Brent reveals the inspiration for his creations.  Way to go, Brent!

While my entrepreneurial side believes in the value of good quality, as a person, I am very cheap.  When I was in high school, they started allowing us to wear button-ups as part of the dress code, and I wanted to go get some bow ties. Stores are expensive, and necessity is the mother of invention.

Luckily, the mother of Brent Dyer knows a thing or two about sewing. She taught me how to sew, and before long I had made about seven bow ties for myself. Within a few weeks, a woman at church asked me to make some bow ties for her nephew, and a friend from school wanted some for himself.

Word soon made its way around school that I could make bow ties. That, paired with the inception of the “Bow Tie Thursday Club,” created a demand. Since then, I have expanded to creating pocket squares, neckties and even backpacks.

My vision as a businessman is to give people ties that express something about themselves. Clothing is a way of speaking, and I want people to be able to feel like themselves and speak with their clothes when they wear my ties. To date, I have sold about $6,000 worth of merchandise. My bow ties have been sold in seven countries.

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