Opening Date: April 12, 2016
Sponsored By: Bruce and Mary Votta
Students at Fifth District Elementary School in Upperco, Maryland have always been “Wild About Reading” and now they have another reason to enjoy this activity even more. On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, the school hosted the grand opening of the jungle-themed Ben Carson Reading Room. Located inside of the school’s library, the area boasts a collection of over 500 high-interest books, leafy vines and plush stuffed animals native to the jungle. The reading room is sponsored by Bruce and Mary Votta. The Votta family is proud to have their name associated with the reading room and has been connected to the school for over twenty years. The Votta children attended the school and their mother, Mary, has volunteered numerous hours where she continues to be a part of the school by serving as a substitute teacher.
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