Your donation is secure! All donations are processed securely using industry-standard Secure Socket Layer encryption or SSL.
The Carson Scholars Fund, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Financial information may be obtained by calling us at 410-828-1005 or at a cost of copies and postage from our headquarters – Carson Scholars Fund, Inc. 215 Washington Avenue, Suite 250, Towson, MD 21204.
A tax acknowledgment will be mailed at the end of each month for gifts of $75 or greater unless otherwise requested by the donor.
Over 90 cents of every dollar raised goes to benefit young students.
View the Carson Scholars Fund’s Donor Privacy Policy
Removal from CSF Mailing Lists
A donor may submit a request to “opt out” of Carson Scholars Fund’s communications by emailing or writing a letter to CSF headquarters. The Carson Scholars Fund will then take the necessary steps that will allow the donors information to be stored on our secure donor database but not used for contact and solicitation purposes.