Author: CSF

In General on 12/09/2019 - 12:11 PM

A Successful Giving Tuesday 2019

Giving Tuesday is a global movement to encourage and inspire people to join forces to transform communities and the world.  Donations in 2013 were around $27 million, and in 2019, analysts are expecting donations to exceed $500 million to charities around the world. At the Carson Scholars Fund, we reached out to you and asked […]


In Uncategorized on 12/05/2019 - 9:33 AM

Doing Good Does You Good.

Over the last year, the CSF was fortunate to have 90 volunteers who donated their time, talents and resources to help execute our programs.  The success of our organization relies on the dedication of our amazing volunteers who give so selflessly of themselves to help us, our scholars and our reading room school partners. We […]


In Reading Rooms on 12/05/2019 - 9:30 AM

Six Think Big Reading Rooms Open in California!

The Think Big Reading Project is a conduit between the Carson Scholars Fund, reading room sponsors, and schools.  This three-pronged approach has brought like-minded individuals together with the common goal of providing literacy opportunities for children to become proficient and enthusiastic readers.  On Thursday, September 18, the CSF united the Trust of Eleni and Wolfgang […]


In Scholars on 12/05/2019 - 7:17 AM

Five new inductees join our Prestigious Carson Scholars Hall of Fame!

We are pleased to announce that we have selected five new members for the Carson Scholars Fund Hall of Fame! This year’s members are comprised of aspiring doctors, scientists and engineers. Along with their diligent pursuit of higher knowledge, these individuals are working every day to make a difference in their communities. They are the […]


In Reading Rooms on 11/21/2019 - 7:10 AM

Dalewood Middle School Opens Castle-Themed Reading Room

On September 26, 2019 the Dalewood Middle School Blue Knights opened their castle-themed reading room to adventurous lords and ladies.  The Dalewood Middle School reading room features an ornate medieval castle where students can travel back to a forgotten age where chivalry and bravery abound.  The Ben Carson Reading Room at Dalewood Middle School is […]


In Reading Rooms on 11/19/2019 - 7:50 AM

2019 National Day of Reading

On Tuesday, November 12, students across the country celebrated the CSF’s 14th Annual National Day of Reading, a day dedicated to inspiring a love of reading in children.  This year’s book selection was Mr. George Baker by Amy Hest.  This tender picture book tells the tale of Harry, a young school boy, and his meaningful […]


In Reading Rooms, Uncategorized on 11/08/2019 - 7:31 AM

Knob Hill Elementary Opens Think Big Reading Room

San Marcos Unified School District, in conjunction with The Carson Scholars Fund, celebrated the third school in the district to open a Think Big Reading Room on Friday, October 18. Knob Hill Elementary, in San Marcos, CA, dedicated a section of their library to the school’s new reading space that is equipped with student-friendly furniture […]


In Scholars on 10/30/2019 - 10:29 AM

Hall of Fame Spotlight on Emily Bock

We are thrilled to feature another amazing member of our Hall of Fame. Emily Bock, inducted into the CSF’s Hall of Fame in 2016, enthusiastically jumped at the chance to share the love she has for her historic school, Georgetown University. She shared two pictures with us that can only showcase a small fraction of […]


In Reading Rooms on 10/21/2019 - 10:39 AM

Forest Hill Elementary School Opens Camping-Themed Reading Room

“The reading room has been a breath of fresh air for our school community.  All eight hundred plus students visit the room on a rotation so the reach is vast for our students.  I feel having this fun, creative, and inspiring space for children to read will have a positive and lasting effect. We are […]


In Reading Rooms on 10/21/2019 - 10:34 AM

Clifford O. Taylor Elementary Opens Reading Room

Thanks to a generous donation from Donna Foley Winterson and Congressman Mark Foley, Clifford O. Taylor/Kirklane Elementary School opened their very own Reading Room on September 9. The opening day ceremony and ribbon cutting was attended by several local dignitaries including the town’s mayor, the school’s first principal, Clifford O. Taylor, and Carson Scholars Fund […]


In Scholars on 10/10/2019 - 9:19 AM

Hall of Fame Spotlight on Joe Wyrwas

This year, we wanted to shine a spotlight on some of our Hall of Fame members. We encouraged them to “Rep their School” and send us a photo showing their school spirit. Along with the photo, they answered a couple questions about their university and other interesting facts. Joe Wyrwas, inducted into the CSF’s Hall […]


In Reading Rooms on 10/09/2019 - 1:35 PM

Maie Ellis Opens Think Big Reading Room

Students at Maie Ellis Elementary in Fallbrook, California are now able to Think Big or Piensa en Grande.   On Friday, September 20 this dual-language immersion school officially opened its Think Big Reading Room.  The event began with an all-school assembly presided over by Maie Ellis Elementary School students.  During the ceremony, students shared what it […]


The Carson Scholars Fund


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