Category: Newsletter

In General, Newsletter on 10/10/2023 - 1:42 PM

Meet The New CSF Executive Director Katie Coleman

I am grateful for the opportunity to return to the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) as the Executive Director. I was first introduced to CSF in 2012 when I joined the staff. I spent five years as Scholarship Director getting to see first-hand the impact of the Carson Scholars Fund. I remember fondly my first scholarship […]


In General, Newsletter on 10/10/2023 - 11:13 AM

Nineteen years is a long time…

My tenure at the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) as the executive director has spanned four and one-half administrations, eight Olympics, one round of 17-year cicadas and a worldwide pandemic. But it is time to say goodbye as I retire. It has been a privilege to work alongside so many talented, dedicated and inspirational individuals during […]


The Carson Scholars Fund


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