Category: General

In Events, General, Newsletter, Reading Rooms on 11/16/2023 - 9:18 AM

The Carson Scholars Fund’s 18th Annual National Day of Reading was One for the Books!

This year’s featured book, Dear Librarian, was a hit for the Carson Scholars Fund’s 18th Annual National Day of Reading. Dear Librarian, an autobiography by Lydia M. Sigwarth, is a heartwarming retelling of a life-changing period in the author’s childhood. In the story, young Lydia and her family had to relocate and live temporarily with […]


In General, Newsletter, Reading Rooms on 11/14/2023 - 2:48 PM

Welcome Amani to the CSF!

Amani is the new reading room coordinator at the Carson Scholars Fund and is excited to help children discover a love for reading. She is dedicated to bringing new ideas and creativity to the Ben Carson Reading Project and diligently working to establish more reading rooms across the country. Our newest member has previous experience […]


In General on 10/27/2023 - 4:03 PM

Thank You Phyllis & Louis Friedman

Phyllis and Louis Friedmans’ unwavering generosity and support of the Carson Scholars Fund has spanned over three decades. Both have provided leadership as board members and for a year Phyllis served as the CSF’s executive director. Early in Phyllis’ career, she was an educator. As a teacher, she had a student who would stay after […]


In General, Newsletter, Scholars on 10/20/2023 - 1:45 PM

News from the Associate Leadership Council

Calling All Alumni, Donors & Friends Of The CSF! We are excited to extend an invitation to apply to the CSF Associate Leadership Council (ALC). The ALC bolsters the CSF’s mission through generating new ideas, planning events, assisting with fundraising, and creating meaningful partnerships with alumni and donors. We’ve hosted events including a virtual networking meet-up […]


In Events, General, Newsletter, Reading Rooms on 10/20/2023 - 11:02 AM

The Jerry Thomas Elementary School Reading Room Opening – Candy Carson’s Recap

The “tiger spirit” at Jerry Thomas Elementary School is evident before you even reach the sidewalk! The concrete under the covered walkway begins with a tiger face, encircled by the name of the school (in school colors, of course!) connected to a 30-foot serpentine tail, drawing closer to the building to where the entire walkway […]


In General, Newsletter, Reading Rooms, Scholarships on 10/20/2023 - 10:15 AM

Calling All Volunteers

The Carson Scholars Fund has a significant need for volunteers during the scholarship and awards banquet seasons. Between the months of January and May, we have a variety of projects that we would not be able to successfully work through without the help of our outstanding volunteers. YOU play a vital role in fulfilling our […]


In General, Newsletter on 10/19/2023 - 3:19 PM

Year End Giving

To all of you who support the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) year-round, whether as a donor, an educator, a volunteer or as an ambassador, we share a sincere thank you! Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of so many. The end of the calendar year is when most nonprofit organizations receive approximately 30% […]


In General, Newsletter on 10/13/2023 - 12:43 PM

#GivingTuesday is Coming

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) will participate in GivingTuesday! This Global Day of Giving is celebrated each year on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This GivingTuesday, we are reflecting on how our scholars and organization have grown throughout the years. It is because of generous individuals like you that the […]


In Chapter News, General, Newsletter on 10/13/2023 - 12:30 PM

2023 2nd Annual Maryland Charity Golf Outing

The 2nd Annual Maryland Golf Tournament was held on Monday, September 18 at the beautiful Cattail Creek Country Club. Breakfast was served on the patio with gorgeous panoramic views of the golf course and the pond. The day was filled with celebrations including birthdays and anniversaries. The golfers gathered before the shot gun to hear […]


In Chapter News, Events, General, Newsletter on 10/13/2023 - 12:06 PM

Pittsburgh Carson Scholars 7th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

On Sunday, September 10, CSF Pittsburgh Chapter President Fran Donahue, and her husband Tom, hosted the 7th Annual Charity Golf Tournament benefitting Carson Scholars from Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas at Laurel Valley Golf Club.  The Club is located in Ligonier, PA and is nestled amidst the picturesque Laurel Highlands. It offers a world-class golfing […]


In General, Newsletter, Reading Rooms on 10/13/2023 - 12:01 PM

18th Annual National Day of Reading

The Carson Scholars Fund is proud to present the 18th Annual National Day of Reading  Celebrated during the week of November 13th Since 2005, the Carson Scholars Fund’s National Day of Reading celebrations have taken place in reading room schools across the country. This literacy event unites students and educators to reinforce the importance of […]


In General, Newsletter, Scholarships on 10/13/2023 - 11:49 AM

Exciting New Opportunity for Carson Scholars

We have an exciting new opportunity for Carson Scholars who are graduating from high school in 2024! Thanks to the generosity of world-renowned author James Patterson, the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) is launching the Patterson HBCU Scholarship pilot program with the goal of offsetting college costs and supporting the academic endeavors of Carson Scholars who […]


The Carson Scholars Fund


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