Category: General

In General, Newsletter, Scholars, Scholarships on 10/13/2023 - 11:30 AM

Calling all Carson Scholar High School Graduates!

Payout request forms for the Spring 2024 Semester will become available on October 23, 2023. On this date, payout eligible Carson Scholars will receive an email containing access to the payout portal where they can choose to defer, request or release their scholarship funds. The payout portal will close on November 17, 2023, at 8 […]


In General, Newsletter, Scholars, Scholarships on 10/13/2023 - 11:15 AM

It is that time again… can you believe it?!

The Carson Scholars Fund’s 2024 Scholarship Season has begun! This marks our 28th year of discovering promise and rewarding excellence. As we make our way through the season, please keep the important dates and information below in mind. All Carson Scholarship applications are due by 8:00 p.m. EST on Friday, January 12, 2024. New Carson […]


In General, Newsletter on 10/10/2023 - 1:42 PM

Meet The New CSF Executive Director Katie Coleman

I am grateful for the opportunity to return to the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) as the Executive Director. I was first introduced to CSF in 2012 when I joined the staff. I spent five years as Scholarship Director getting to see first-hand the impact of the Carson Scholars Fund. I remember fondly my first scholarship […]


In General, Newsletter on 10/10/2023 - 11:13 AM

Nineteen years is a long time…

My tenure at the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) as the executive director has spanned four and one-half administrations, eight Olympics, one round of 17-year cicadas and a worldwide pandemic. But it is time to say goodbye as I retire. It has been a privilege to work alongside so many talented, dedicated and inspirational individuals during […]


In Dr. Benjamin Carson, General, Scholarships, Uncategorized on 08/01/2023 - 1:07 PM

Novelist James Patterson and World-Renowned Brain Surgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, Collaborate to Support Scholars Attending HBCUs

James Patterson and Dr. Ben Carson, two prolific authors, philanthropists and educational advocates have partnered to provide a scholarship opportunity to further education for students who have already received the prestigious Carson Scholarship award. Patterson has generously committed $600,000 to the pilot program which will be called the Patterson HBCU Scholarship for Carson Scholars. Beginning […]


In General, Recent Press, Scholarships on 08/01/2023 - 1:01 AM

The CSF Launches Patterson HBCU Scholarship Pilot Program!

For years, bestselling and prolific author James Patterson has been writing novels. Now he has partnered with Dr. and Mrs. Ben Carson and the CSF to help Carson Scholars author their own academic stories. In May 2024, the CSF will launch the Patterson HBCU Scholarship pilot program. Eligible Carson Scholars attending a Historically Black College or […]


In General on 02/18/2022 - 9:00 AM

Meet Bridget, the Carson Scholar Fund’s Newest Staff Member

Bridget has recently joined the Carson Scholars Fund staff as the Graphic Designer and Scholarship Coordinator. She is hitting the ground running designing numerous projects and assisting with the 2022 scholarship season. Bridget graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Towson University’s Graphic Design department in May 2020. She has spent the last […]


In Events, General, Scholars on 11/22/2021 - 9:38 AM

Carson Scholars Fund Holds 25th Anniversary Virtual Scholar Awards Ceremony

Carson Scholars Fund Holds 25th Anniversary Virtual Scholar Awards Ceremony On October 25, 2021, scholars, families, educators and supporters of the Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) gathered in their homes to watch the 2021 Virtual Scholar Awards Ceremony. During the event, we honored the 2021 new and recognized Carson Scholars and celebrated 25 years of the […]


In General, Scholars on 05/16/2021 - 8:00 AM

Scholar Spotlight: Trevor Khouzami and the RPBL Fall Classic

Pictured: 2021 Carson Scholar Trevor Khouzami The Impact Since 2016, I have raised over $42,000 and spent over 500 hours working to address the racial and economic disparity in Baltimore City. Initially, I proposed an idea to the commissioner of my little league, Roland Park Baseball Leagues (RPBL).  I offered to organize a fun community […]


In General, Scholars, Scholarships on 03/25/2021 - 2:39 PM

10,000th Scholarship Recipient Event

The Carson Scholars Fund (CSF) celebrated 25 years of recognizing America’s future leaders by awarding its 10,000th scholarship to an exemplary student.  This honor was given to a fourth grader, Derron Blake, Jr. (DJ), at the M/Y Café at the Rybovich Marina in Palm Beach, Florida on March 23, 2021.  DJ is representative of all […]


In General on 03/12/2021 - 9:33 AM

Meet Rachel, the Carson Scholar Fund’s Newest Staff Member

Rachel has recently joined the Carson Scholars Fund staff as the Communications Coordinator. She is hitting the ground running by designing program books and helping organize and create social media campaigns. Rachel is a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science from Towson University’s Electronic Media and Film department. In her time at Towson she […]


In General on 01/27/2021 - 5:47 PM

Meet Our Carson Scholars Fund Interns, Julia and Ally!

Julia Weinick was born and raised in Reisterstown, MD. She currently attends Towson University, where she is a senior majoring in Family Studies and Community Development with a concentration in Services to Children and Youth. Julia plans to further her education in pursuit of receiving her Master’s in Social Work. She has experience interning with […]


The Carson Scholars Fund


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