Author: CSF

In Reading Rooms on 10/08/2019 - 11:33 AM

Three Escondido Union Schools Open Think Big Reading Rooms

The Think Big Reading Project is a conduit between the Carson Scholars Fund, reading room sponsors, and schools.  This three-pronged approach has brought like-minded individuals together with the common goal of providing literacy opportunities for children to become proficient and enthusiastic readers.  On Thursday, September 18, the CSF united the Trust of Eleni and Wolfgang […]


In Reading Rooms on 10/04/2019 - 11:03 AM

Pioneer Elementary School Opens New Think Big Reading Room

On Friday, September 20,Pioneer Elementary in Escondido, CA, summoned fearless explorers to the campus to unveil the school’s new jungle-themed Think Big Reading Room and to celebrate literacy.  The day’s festivities began with an all-school outside assembly.    During the ceremony student ambassadors shared the meaning of Think Big and the third grade students sang a […]


In Reading Rooms on 10/04/2019 - 10:53 AM

Live Oak Elementary Opens Think Big Reading Room

Friday, September 20 will go down in history as an exceptional day at Live Oak Elementary in Fallbrook, California.  The morning was like any other with an abundance of reading, writing and arithmetic taking place inside the classrooms.  As the afternoon wore on, anticipation filled the air.  Special guests would soon be arriving to open […]


In General on 10/02/2019 - 8:30 AM

Welcome, Kay, the CSF’s New Executive Assistant

Kay recently joined the Carson Scholars Fund staff as its Executive Assistant. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor degree in Geographical Sciences.  She is looking forward to beginning a new chapter of her career at CSF aiding young academics. Kay is from the Baltimore area and has been a resident of […]


In General on 10/01/2019 - 9:46 AM

Meet Pam, the Carson Scholars Fund’s Newest Staff Member

Pam recently joined the Carson Scholars Fund staff as its Development Coordinator. Pam is a graduate of James Madison University where she studied Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. Prior to coming to Carson Scholars, Pam’s background includes education, library sciences, and sales and marketing. She has advocated for literacy since she was a […]


In Scholars on 09/13/2019 - 11:03 AM

Meet Enzo Santillan, Our CSF Newsletter Design Contest Winner

Meet our newsletter design contest winner, Enzo Santillan, a 3-time Carson Scholar from Chicago, Illinois. Enzo is an 8th grader whose hobbies include playing soccer, coding, drawing, building with Legos and playing video games. He is also a member of his school’s student council and National Junior Honor Society. Enzo, who has loved to draw […]


In Uncategorized on 09/06/2019 - 7:04 AM

Meet Keanna, the Carson Scholars Fund’s Newest Staff Member

Keanna recently joined the Carson Scholars Fund staff as its West Coast Program Coordinator. Keanna is a graduate from Towson University where she studied Business Administration with a concentration in Legal Studies. She has always had a passion for helping and impacting others, and she believes this is the perfect place to do so. She […]


In General on 09/03/2019 - 11:00 AM

Calling All Interested Volunteers!

The Carson Scholars Fund is always looking for volunteers during the scholarship and awards banquet seasons. Between the months of January and May we have a multitude of projects happening simultaneously and we would not be able to successfully work through these projects without the help of outstanding volunteers. Volunteers have the opportunity to: Score […]


In Events on 09/03/2019 - 10:38 AM


In preparation for the holiday season, there are two days for super deals: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But on #GivingTuesday, we have a chance to become superheroes by supporting our MARVELOUS Carson Scholars! Why is this so important? #GivingTuesday is a powerful global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses […]


In Reading Rooms on 09/03/2019 - 10:16 AM

L.R. Green Elementary School Opens Think Big Reading Room

Escondido Union School District, in conjunction with the Carson Scholars Fund, celebrated opening of its first Think Big Reading Room at L.R. Green Elementary. Students were beside themselves with excitement and ready to blast into a reading adventure in their new space- themed reading room that is nestled in the corner of their library. L.R. […]


In Scholars on 08/27/2019 - 2:02 PM

Carson Scholar Brent Dyer Creates BohemianBowTies

Carson Scholar Brent Dyer knows bow ties. Here, Brent reveals the inspiration for his creations.  Way to go, Brent! While my entrepreneurial side believes in the value of good quality, as a person, I am very cheap.  When I was in high school, they started allowing us to wear button-ups as part of the dress […]


In Scholars on 08/21/2019 - 9:37 AM

CSF Hall of Fame Applications Open Now!

Four years ago, the Carson Scholars Fund implemented a new program, The Hall of Fame. The CSF Hall of Fame is comprised of Carson Scholar alumni who continue to accomplish extraordinary achievements and represent our mission – demonstrate success and excellence in the work force, excel academically, and make significant contributions in their communities. This […]


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